- Does the baby need blankets? 宝宝需要毯子吗?
- Marilyn and Richard and the baby need the space. Marilyn和richard还有婴儿需要空间。
- The baby's crying; I'd better go and do the needful. 孩子哭了,我最好还是去看看要做些什麽。
- Does the baby wave a or point at things? 孩子会示意或指向某个东西吗?
- The baby needs a soap kind to his skin. 婴儿需要用不刺激皮肤的香皂。
- At what time did the baby have her last feeding? 上次什么时候给孩子喂的奶?
- Does the baby wave or point (at) things. 小孩是否摆手或者指东西。
- Does the baby wave or point at things? 婴儿是否会挥手或指向一些物体?
- How does the baby no suffer from hotness? 宝宝如何才不会上火?
- The baby needed burping after every bottle. 每喂完一瓶奶后都需要轻轻拍打婴儿背部让他打嗝。
- Q: What did the baby porcupine say to the cactus? (豪猪宝宝会跟仙人掌说什麽话呢?
- The baby's legs flailed under the quilt. 小孩的两条小腿在被子下面乱动。
- We need several men strong enough to do the work. 我们需要几个强壮得足以做这件工作的人。
- You will need a hatchet to do the job. 做这件事你得需要一把斧子。
- To keep warm you need blankets above and below you. 为了保持暖和,你需要铺毛毯,还要盖毛毯。
- The baby needs a lot of care. 这婴孩需要精心照料。
- The baby needs feeding. 这婴儿需要喂了。
- I wrapped the baby (up) in a blanket. 我用毯子把婴儿裹了起来。
- Both Greg and Alice are OK. How did the baby end up autistic? 格雷格和爱丽丝都好好的啊,他们的小孩怎么会自闭呢?
- Only when her mother came back did the baby girl stopped crying. 只有当那个小孩的妈妈回来时,小女孩才不哭。